CombatSlideMod 1.1.1
For long time i wanna do this function in game and now i create this.
Now you Character can Slide and Firing Like all most Shooter Games....
in CombatSlideMod.ini chose ForwardForce, SlideKey button, and Animation Variation, and Ragdoll options or every taste.
Press and Hold AimButton when go animation slide and AttackButton to shoot.
Default Button:
Slide button = V
Controller support
Look .ini file... and enable setting
Slide button = cover
Look My another mods))))
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1. Download and open archive
2. Copy all files to your scripts folder (if you don't have a scripts folder, create it in your GTA V Game folder)
Script Hook V
Community Script Hook V .NET 3.4.1
Controller support
Look .ini file... and enable setting
Enable Firing
Add Ragdoll on Collision options
improvement script code
Now you Character can Slide and Firing Like all most Shooter Games....
in CombatSlideMod.ini chose ForwardForce, SlideKey button, and Animation Variation, and Ragdoll options or every taste.
Press and Hold AimButton when go animation slide and AttackButton to shoot.
Default Button:
Slide button = V
Controller support
Look .ini file... and enable setting
Slide button = cover
Look My another mods))))
Report about issues in comment.
Have fun!
If you like you can support me in Patron or PayPal
Link in description on my profile.
Easy support Like Button and Follow...
Support me for future update Buy Me a Coffee
or Look fresh update on my Patreon Patreon
Join to Discord for more discussion my Discord
1. Download and open archive
2. Copy all files to your scripts folder (if you don't have a scripts folder, create it in your GTA V Game folder)
Script Hook V
Community Script Hook V .NET 3.4.1
Controller support
Look .ini file... and enable setting
Enable Firing
Add Ragdoll on Collision options
improvement script code
Carregat per primera vegada: 20 de Octubre de 2022
Actualització més recent: 16 de Novembre de 2022
Últim descarregat: Fa 14 hores
62 Comentaris
More mods by BOPOHua:

- Partida
For long time i wanna do this function in game and now i create this.
Now you Character can Slide and Firing Like all most Shooter Games....
in CombatSlideMod.ini chose ForwardForce, SlideKey button, and Animation Variation, and Ragdoll options or every taste.
Press and Hold AimButton when go animation slide and AttackButton to shoot.
Default Button:
Slide button = V
Controller support
Look .ini file... and enable setting
Slide button = cover
Look My another mods))))
Report about issues in comment.
Have fun!
If you like you can support me in Patron or PayPal
Link in description on my profile.
Easy support Like Button and Follow...
Support me for future update Buy Me a Coffee
or Look fresh update on my Patreon Patreon
Join to Discord for more discussion my Discord
1. Download and open archive
2. Copy all files to your scripts folder (if you don't have a scripts folder, create it in your GTA V Game folder)
Script Hook V
Community Script Hook V .NET 3.4.1
Controller support
Look .ini file... and enable setting
Enable Firing
Add Ragdoll on Collision options
improvement script code
Now you Character can Slide and Firing Like all most Shooter Games....
in CombatSlideMod.ini chose ForwardForce, SlideKey button, and Animation Variation, and Ragdoll options or every taste.
Press and Hold AimButton when go animation slide and AttackButton to shoot.
Default Button:
Slide button = V
Controller support
Look .ini file... and enable setting
Slide button = cover
Look My another mods))))
Report about issues in comment.
Have fun!
If you like you can support me in Patron or PayPal
Link in description on my profile.
Easy support Like Button and Follow...
Support me for future update Buy Me a Coffee
or Look fresh update on my Patreon Patreon
Join to Discord for more discussion my Discord
1. Download and open archive
2. Copy all files to your scripts folder (if you don't have a scripts folder, create it in your GTA V Game folder)
Script Hook V
Community Script Hook V .NET 3.4.1
Controller support
Look .ini file... and enable setting
Enable Firing
Add Ragdoll on Collision options
improvement script code
Carregat per primera vegada: 20 de Octubre de 2022
Actualització més recent: 16 de Novembre de 2022
Últim descarregat: Fa 14 hores
@Hydraxonn , the new version 1.1 is ready, you will be pleasantly surprised by the work done. As soon as I make a video, I’ll post it)))) It will benefit no worse than COD !!!
@BOPOHua Просто этот мод старой версии работает идеально без перебоев полностью отрабатывает свой функционал вплоть до конца игравого сеанса. И там есть кнопка на опережение: например ты нажимаешь на скольжение и во время скольжения жмёшь на кнопку укрытия и после скольжения главный герой автоматически прислоняется к укрытию было бы не плохо если бы Вы выложили эту версию 1.0.2. с одной единственной правкой SpeedLimiter=0. Я не говарю что новая версия хуже старой наоборот она лучше в сто раз но в ней нет кнопки на опережение: например ты нажимаешь на скольжение и во время скольжения жмёшь на кнопку укрытия и после скольжения главный герой автоматически прислоняется к укрытию. Ещё новая версия почему то лично у меня не работает на протяжении всего игрового сеанса. Играю 10 минут и новая версия перестаёт функционировать. Я прислушался к Вашему совету и даже убрал мод приседать но к моему большому сожалению мод всеравно не отыгрывал больше чем 10-15 минут. Спасибо за ответ.
Такого ещё не кто не делал этот мод фантастика👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
looking forward to the controller support for this and C.H.O.S.E.N. mod. been playing a lot of other shooter games and sliding is a lot of fun to do in those so doing it on GTA V finally is something i never realized was possible and enjoyable to do.
how do i add to my fivem server??
please controller support
Can you do it like firing while sliding or the camera follows the slide animation ?
@BOPOHua Mod has a weird bug, when I respawn from hospital an error message showed up, all my addon interiors and the subway tunnel interiors are missing.
@gentlejoey123458 try to change in settings CollisionProof --> false/true and tell me result. I really think it not problem in mod.
@BOPOHua sure will try
рад что ты снова с нами
thank you for the added controller support
@BOPOHua The Mod doesent work for me. It worked once or me but now it doesent. What did i do wrong?
@LSPDhighway ScriptHook is not support last game version, you mast use old one or change game grabing button to another in .ini Setting file.
@BOPOHua i changed it to u, it did nothing. What do you mean with script hook doesn't support latest game version?
@BOPOHua Where can i change the game grabbing button?
it's like goal celebration... but that's good job
@BOPOHua When using Controller support, can user select a 2-button press for doing the sliding animation?
Otherwise players will be unable to do a cover or go into 'cover' when desired.
Is it possible to fix the character's hitbox to lower to where the character is sliding? I'm tryin to vault under objects using this mod but I collide with them as my hitbox doesn't change
@BOPOHua it doesnt work at all. I tried both versions , changed the button and tried with other older scripthook versions. update it or something cause its would be a great mod if it worked
@BOPOHua Дивовижний мод і анімація працюють, дякую!!
Якщо ви обмірковуєте ідеї на майбутнє, можливо, мод анімації входу/виходу вікна Dukes Of Hazzard?