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    Hey, just a slight problem, idk if I installed it incorrectly or what, but whenever I press Tab for the powers wheel, it instantly shuts off all powers of the script, but keeps the Caps Lock Slow motion, after hitting tab it refuses to let me activate the mod again, forcing me to restart the game. Everytime I would go to activate it again, once I clicked on the script it would close and nothing would happen. Strangely enough after hitting tab I could use the quicksilver mod just fine. Hope I can get a fix to this, love the mod.

    28 de Desembre de 2017
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    @HYEAAX How would I install them? Like what folder to place them in

    26 de Desembre de 2017
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    @HYEAAX Thank you very much, it seems I've had a moment of unintelligence as I thought it came with suits, thank you very much, Any good suit recommendations?

    26 de Desembre de 2017
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    Hey um I'm sure you get a lot of these simple mistake kinds of problems, but None of the suits are working for me, the actual script is working just fine, it's just none of the suits actually appear when I click them, other than that everything is fantastic. What could I do about the suits?

    26 de Desembre de 2017