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It looks good, any chance for future improvements tho? I think the frontal appearance of this vehicle is a little bit too flat.
Other than that, good job!
Despite being just a skin, it looks quite accurate! Nice job.
Hey! Thanks for uploading the mod in this website. It makes it easy to find, and serves this website's purpose of finding any mods you're interested at.
I am a little bit disappointed tho. It seems like it is just a "re-skin", where you simply added the emblem on the shoulder.
Use the following for referense: http://web.archive.org/web/20030519022612/http://www.police.gov.il/pdf/04/0403/040301/marot190/p22-23.pdf
@thespears I'd love to see some Korean based mods too. I've seen many Asian mods in GTA 3 universe (3, VC and SA) and I expect to see more in GTA V.