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  • 50a874 capture

    Hey there I seem to be having an issue with the "SAVEDAMAGE" ini option, whenever i leave the area of a saved vehicle that's been damaged or restart the game that same vehicle restores back to a fixed state. Other than that the mod works great!

    18 de Juny de 2021
  • 50a874 capture

    Works great on my end! looks like you have to have a couple patches like the Heap-loader and a new game-config to stop and reduce the crashing with the mod. Anyone who's wondering about a quick way to delete vehicles, just go to the mod folder and delete the saved vehicle xml file corresponding to the car you don't want anymore.

    04 de Juny de 2021
  • 50a874 capture

    Love the Mod! just a question though, when making your own skins how do you turn off the blue hint for the HUD? I've looked in both the "default" folder and the "default-drag" folder and they both show as white in the previews, but in game they show as blue. Also can the resolution be be upped higher without any issues? Again thank-you for the mod, your doing gods work :D

    03 de Juny de 2021