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    @infamousSabre is it possible to edit the amount of explosives you can carry. Great mod but breaks a story mission?

    15 de Agost de 2019
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    @DreamlnCode im not sure if you have abandoned this great mod but a few ideas for an already great mod. Some form of cooldown timer on the meth missions haven't done a coke one yet so not sure if the operate the same as in drive there drive back make money. A cooldown timer would prevent abuse and just making bank, or maybe instead of you making bang you actually get a shit ton of the drug itself like maybe take it down to 50 gs but then you get 100gs worth of the product that you then have to hustle and sell. Another idea maybe wholesale buyers permanent drug pushers that you can sell or buy from but only in large quantities. Like only being able to sell or buy 50 units of a drug to them but their scale never changes. For instance after a meth mission now you have 50 meth you could hustle around to a bunch of dealers and find the good sales one or do street deals yourself and make bank or you can just take it to the wholesaler sell it to them at a middle ground price still make a profit just not as big because your doing less leg work?

    13 de Agost de 2019
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    @jedijosh920 So it seems as if it works changed scale to 1 hour for both hair and beard initially it work. When I tried to shave my beard a few time in 5 down to 1 worked fine (if i remember right my short term mem is gone) but when I went down to 1 it shaved both head and and face (I tried only beard) and now it does not regrow at all. I sped time up over multiple days no avail, switched to Micheal no avail as it also did not work on him. I went back to Franklin and went and got a new beard and hair style. went back to house to shave and once again just doing beard it eventually shaved both and it is still not regrowing

    12 de Agost de 2019
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    @felixtheblackcat can confirm it doesish if im right up on the atm it doesnt if i stand a bit back it does sometimes even tho hotkey for that is e and yours g

    09 de Agost de 2019
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    @beeberisback that and I did a mission and the car I had to jump into was one of them and bam 3 stars made a mission way harder then it should have been

    09 de Agost de 2019
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    @BeeberIsBack is there a way to disable the drug cars entirely because sometimes they just pop like crazy and its just kinda breaks immersion for me? If not sall good keep up the good work.

    09 de Agost de 2019
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    @FelixTheBlackCat will this interfere with ATMinSP by iamnotmental? and is it possible to edit the payouts in and ini?

    08 de Agost de 2019
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    will this interfere with ATM in SP by iamnotmental at all?

    08 de Agost de 2019
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    When I go there, there is just the purple ring and I cannot go inside. Im pretty new to GTA modding but i got script hook and nativeui and the other thing have I done something wrong?

    07 de Agost de 2019