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    Any chance you could fix the light shadow problem disappearing when you go up close to the traffic light?

    20 de Gener de 2025
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    Have you got a valid discord server link please? Cheers

    23 de Octubre de 2020
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    @w.. I'll contact you tomorrow on Discord then, thanks, I'll be under the name "Chris Tarrant" on there. I've also noticed the siren sounds now face directly front as well. This is when using the "dir" strings. "RESIDENT_VEHICLES" strings still behave as a normal all-around sound entity which is my preference.

    17 de Agost de 2020
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    @w.. This is really great work! Is it possible for you to show me how to edit the doppler effect, loop point, pitch and siren audible distance?

    17 de Agost de 2020
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    @TheMaybeast @w.. Thanks for the replies both of you. Very strange how R* managed to configure all the RESIDENT_VEHICLES siren strings yet screwed up on the Sheriff2 sirens. A few additional questions I have.

    Firstly, any ideas on how the 'doppler effect' (google) could be edited in sound configuration files? I recall vaguely something like this being editable to a degree in GTA 4. The fact you managed to decrypt sounds.dat54.rel is an achievement in itself so this has, and could, unlock many audio secrets and configs.

    Secondly, how is the loop point configured on each siren sound? I noticed the POLICE_WARNING and AMBULANCE_WARNING sirens always start at a random point, whereas the other siren files do not. What exactly controls this?

    Finally, I noticed some sirens such as the ambulance and firetruck ones have a pitch filter applied that decreases the pitch of the siren by x semitones. How is this modifier applied to the files in-game? The raw files sound normal pitched.

    Thanks guys!

    17 de Agost de 2020
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    Hi @TheMaybeast Was wondering if you knew of the alternative hash to the Sheriff2 siren? In the documentation you have it noted it as:

    0x4F01EB9C = sirens_slow_dir6 - [sirens_wail_04.wav] - Primary tone.
    0xFB1FC835 = fast_9oghrv3 - [sirens_quick_04.wav] - Secondary tone.

    Those strings above work however they play the siren with front facing directional bug. The alternative "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_" strings always play the sound normally.

    I have tried using the string: RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_WAIL_04 and QUICK_04 but these do not work oddly. Yet other strings like RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_WAIL_02 do.

    Any ideas?

    17 de Agost de 2020
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    @SLY95ZER Yes agreed. Also a no-trees version for low PC to save FPS?

    08 de Agost de 2020
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    @WindowsExPee Ah okay, that is interesting. Wish there was a way to fix the emergency AI driving in general. They just smash into other cars and have no concept of surroundings. I tried forcing them to use the TRUCK handling in vehicleaihandlinginfo.meta and although it makes their braking more efficient, they still smash into other cars instead of driving around them. I also tried looking into vehicleaitasks.ymt to see if any of those entries controlled it but I have no idea. Maybe there is another file?

    04 de Juliol de 2020
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    @WindowsExPee I also noticed that some of the default scenarios such as the fire truck responding near Rockford Hills are glitchy because the truck switches its sirens on and off and stops at traffic lights and then goes code 3 again. Maybe you could fix this or just replace them altogether?

    04 de Juliol de 2020
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    @WindowsExPee I believe the ClearTheWayV mod makes the AI efficiently react to both the player and other AI emergency vehicles. Traffic would only react relatively close in real life anyway.

    03 de Juliol de 2020