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    It would be very interesting if you overhauled the sell system! Say when you start the prompt to sell, you have to assign a certain amount of people to the delivery, which can be yourself. Then add the ability to hire employees for your lab to be couriers for the product. You could do this for supply too, and allow us control over our purchasing. Imagine if we could import from El Rubio, Assign a team to fly out to cayo perico, pick up 250 kg of cocaine and then bring it back to the lab. There you could apply your cut percentage, (ideally have a system to get bonuses for selling higher quality product) then use couriers to distribute the product. Then a lieutenant contact to act as your right hand man and give orders to couriers.

    It would be very cool to have to work your way up, doing your first flight to cayo perico or maybe just receiving it from El Rubio's plane to cut down on your work, then assigning your own pilot later down the line to get a discount by fully owning the import process. This really would be great for your drug trafficking mod. It would be awesome to then begin negotiating with the other gangs and making them your wholesale customers

    20 de Juny de 2024
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    @kingaries617 you sir are a king! and facts I understand how much work this mod is to do by himself and have a job to pay his bills.

    09 de Novembre de 2023
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    And you know I'm serious because I've already sent you $20 to get your attention!

    07 de Novembre de 2023
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    I WILL PAY YOU $100 CASH to add distributors to take product to your dealers.

    you have made the best drug dealing mod/game there is. The most in depth and realistic. You are the best, please finish your amazing and most realistic product! I've been waiting for many years now and I haven't given up!

    Don't worry about responding to these goofy comments! All these youtubers have already answered their silly questions if they do some research. Better to save the hassle and put the work into the mod!

    Thank you man, I hope you see this. Respond back if you do!

    07 de Novembre de 2023
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    Congrats on getting his permission to post it! I feel this mod is in good hands. I always believed this mod was only missing more in depth distribution. One simple suggestion would be a %20 percent lower price when you sell your entire inventory. I know this is a very tall order, but if you can set up the marketplace, all the end users in each area, like LS Life. It would give your drug trafficking mod and this mod massive potential. Having users, dealers, wholesalers, and distributors who then take your product out of state would truly mimic the show and not to mention just be realistic and fun as hell.

    12 de Agost de 2023
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    I try to purchase 100 oz's but it says my warehouse can't store it, I tried to make the maximum 200 using your settings blip but that didn't work, I also tried 8000 in the ini and that didn't work either! The trading between you and gangs seems very broken

    05 de Juliol de 2023
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    @mcal9909 Yo homie its good to see you back around again. You really got the best mod out here it was sad to see the project be unattended. I want to pay you $20 to help motivate you to figure out lieutenants! Let me know if you see this message

    05 de Juliol de 2023
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    What is your discord? I lowered aspect spawn ratio and I have both gameconfig and resource adjuster but whenever I try to set up gang hideout nothing occurs and I can purchase the cocaine lockup but I get stuck in the camera for the entrance scene and franklin is free to walk around. Any help would be greatly appreciated my man

    01 de Juliol de 2023
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    Yo homie I just subbed to your patreon. I've loved the work you've been doing with LS Life and I just wanted to say that you're one step away from having the current best dealing mod or game. If you can figure out how to add lieutenants it would most likely revitalize your mod and give it a completely new layer of gameplay ofc

    15 de Febrer de 2023
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    @StackBreesh Bro it's probably cooked

    20 de Octubre de 2022