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    @Kaai210 Do you find ways to improve your mod?

    28 de Febrer de 2022
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    Yes, it loads, no problem for loading the game, but the code doesn't work. I keep telling you this because I think it might be the same problem for your mod.

    You agree this code:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <Item type="CTaskNMBehaviour__Tunables">
    <Item type="CTaskNMShot__Tunables">
    <Item key="normal">
    <Priority value="5"/>
    <Enabled value="true"/>
    <Item type="CNmMessage">
    <Item type="CNmParameterBool">
    <Value value="true"/>
    <Item type="CNmParameterInt">
    <Value value="3"/>
    <ForceNewMessage value="false"/>
    <TaskMessage value="false"/>

    And this one:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <Item type="CTaskNMBehaviour__Tunables">
    <Item type="CTaskNMShot__Tunables">
    <iPriority value="5"/>
    <Item key="normal">
    <iPriority value="5"/>
    <bShotStart value="true"/>
    <iFallingReaction value="3"/>

    Do the same, right? Then try the first, then the second, and you'll see the first works (when you shoot a ped with a pistol for example) and the second one doesn't work.

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    27 de Febrer de 2022
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    Thanks for your help!

    I rewrite it like this and it still doesn't work.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <Item type="CTaskNMBehaviour__Tunables">
    <Item type="CTaskNMShot__Tunables">
    <iPriority value="5"/>
    <Item key="normal">
    <iPriority value="5"/>
    <bShotStart value="true"/>
    <iFallingReaction value="3"/>

    27 de Febrer de 2022
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    Your code still doesn't work unfortunately.

    This works:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <Item type="CTaskNMBehaviour__Tunables">
    <Item type="CTaskNMShot__Tunables">
    <Item key="normal">
    <Priority value="5"/>
    <Enabled value="true"/>
    <Item type="CNmMessage">
    <Item type="CNmParameterBool">
    <Value value="true"/>
    <Item type="CNmParameterInt">
    <Value value="3"/>
    <ForceNewMessage value="false"/>
    <TaskMessage value="false"/>

    And this doesn't work:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <Item type="CTaskNMBehaviour__Tunables">
    <Item type="CTaskNMShot__Tunables">
    <iPriority value="5"/>
    <Item key="normal">
    <iPriority value="5"/>
    <bShotStart value="true"/>
    <iFallingReaction value="3"/>

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    26 de Febrer de 2022
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    @Kaai210 Can you send me all the different tasks from RDR2 and MP3 you managed to export?

    26 de Febrer de 2022
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    @Kaai210 Thanks!

    26 de Febrer de 2022
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    @Kaai210 Oh ok! I guess that's why the code didn't worked then. It didn't crash the game, but the code just didn't work. How would you write it with the MP3 format then?

    26 de Febrer de 2022
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    @Kaai210 No, that's not the issue I mentionned.

    This code doesn't works. It doesn't make the game to crash, but the code doesn't work.

    <Item type="CTaskNMShot__Tunables">
    <Item key="normal">
    <Priority value="5"/>
    <Enabled value="true"/>
    <Item type="CNmMessage">
    <bstart value="true"/>
    <ifallingreaction value="3"/>

    But when I write the same code with the GTA V format, the code works.

    By the way, can you send me your updates of your mod?

    26 de Febrer de 2022
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    @Kaai210 Yeah, I tried wrotting it the way MP3 wrote it. Then wrote it the way GTA V wrote it. It only works when wrote with the GTA V format. The game run in both format, but the MP3 format, like in my previous comment, doesn't do anything to the euphoria engine.

    26 de Febrer de 2022
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    @Kaai210 Do you know what is wrong with this code? It doesn't work.

    <Item type="CTaskNMShot__Tunables">
    <Item key="normal">
    <Priority value="5"/>
    <Enabled value="true"/>
    <Item type="CNmMessage">
    <bstart value="true"/>
    <ifallingreaction value="3"/>

    25 de Febrer de 2022