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@eshenk appreciate it man you're a life saver lol
@eshenk yeah i was trying to go back
lol when your asking a guy for help and spell his name wrong @eshenk kind of embarrasing lol but i was gunna see if you still had the links to those 3 files for the gta5.exe the launcher and the update.rpf. steam updated my shit on me and apparently I didnt keep those files. lesson learned there turn auto update and internet off before playing gta 5 now. @999Gaming it lets you know when someone tagged you. now quit making pointless insults to the guy who's helping everyone.
@eshank kind of embarrasing lol but i was gunna see if you still had the links to those 3 files for the gta5.exe the launcher and the update.rpf. steam updated my shit on me and apparently I didnt keep those files. lesson learned there turn auto update and internet off before playing gta 5 now
@nicog64 appreciate the link to the R* social club @eshenk I'm so surprised you're still on here. LOL been keeping up with this all day just laughing at all the stupid idiots who somehow don't get it. I bought the game after the update so i wasn't sure i would be able to do it without a backup, but i used the social club link from @nicog64 and the other 3 from @eshank and im good. If i can do it with a brand new version and no backup then anyone can. Learn to read a f*cking book is all i know to say lol