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  • Ron

    Really appreciate what you guys are offering and sadly I can't invest. Too many crashes with the sirens or six star module among other things. This mod has a lot of cool features and would like to replicate some of them (really wish this was more modular) mostly interested in the LEO's reacting to other ingame peds or gangs reacting to each other similarly.

    Fa 3 hores
  • Ron

    If I understand correctly, instead of modding the update rpfs and the normal rpfs in the mod folder you can essentially just make dlc packs instead? If thats the case, could I take say DriveV and add it as a DLC and not muck with my og files and then disable it from the list if needing to check out another driving mod or troubleshoot??

    fa 1 dia
  • Ron

    I guess no but looks nice! :P

    fa 6 dies
  • Ron

    Does this mod fix the train barriers and fps bug (i.e. at 30 fps the barriers work as intended while anything higher makes them late or not work at all)?

    fa 6 dies
  • Ron

    Unfortunately, I also found out open interiors is causing some random crashes as well - going to have to exclude the both of these for now. really liked some of the big phat cash rewards though!

    10 de Març de 2025
  • Ron

    Just to add some more details that might help. prior to all this I had played multiple repo missions etc and then I did one mission to rescue someone. It bugged out. eventually failed. Ever since then its been having issues.

    09 de Març de 2025
  • Ron

    @dIEGUITOOO I am now suddenly getting these errors.

    09 de Març de 2025
  • Ron

    @vailed09 as always you want to make backups of your files before installing mods or you're going to run into headaches. This is an oiv installer so it automates replacing files in your directory. There is no uninstall oiv (since that would be hard to do other than having vanilla files).

    The next best thing to do is open up the oiv like with a zip handler and look at all the files that are in the folder. Reading the assembly xml you can get a good idea where the files go - if missing any or no backups, grab them from your vanilla files (copy not cut).Hopefully you werent too heavily modded :p

    03 de Febrer de 2025
  • Ron

    Wanted to add - I've already edited my dispatches and scenarios and everything to not use the police and police3 so in a live chase those are working. What I'm seeing is the cargen around the police stations that still spawn the police and police3 which I already edited those out of those respective locations. So its weird they add them back.

    03 de Febrer de 2025
  • Ron

    Kind of works, I see the added traffic that aren't the norm. Though on the other hand I use the replacer and that doesn't work. I replaced the police and police3 with police2 and most everything that spawns is police.

    03 de Febrer de 2025