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Would be great to see a Police Version!
@Hunk woo ill check it out !
@Hunk working !!
Love it ! Really nice work ! Although with the get command the PDF seems to run and then just fall on the floor the dog just stands beside them , where as before the dog attacked and held them to the ground using the bite animation but without killing them could this be reimplemented ?
Also is it possibly to put the dog on a lead? I know ropes etc are possible now in GTA would you be able to introduce some form of lead for the dog ? EG stands really close to your player ped or a physical lead of some sorts ?
Lastly I know in single player you were able to play fetch with chop the dog , could this be implemented ? So we can throw the baseball weapon and the dog retrieves it/ plays ?
Apologies for the list of demands but your work is amazing and these features just make it so much more enjoyable playable , I love this mod !!!
@Hunk cant seem to get anything to work now, the dog wont spawn !
@Hunk ill give it a try :)
@Hunk Basically, have the following Increase the distance for the targets, that is way to small on its own.
basically a command to make the dog bark on command, ( This could then either make the ped run or surrender and get on the ground)
A command to make the dog chase a targeted ped, bite and detain him, WITHOUT KILLING HIM.
With these additions this script would be near perfect for a police K9 MOD, the distance targeting should be increased tho as it is way to close as it currently stands , otherwise loving the work !
@Hunk Thank you so much for the amendment ! i appreciate it, The script is much better, i would however consider bringing the startle command back and the attack command biting a ped and detaining them but NOT killing them, holding them in place like it currently is for the startle command. Also is it possible to increase the target distance? The whole point is so the dog can chase somebody , currenrtly with the distance i may as well as grab them myself. Also would it be possible to add a Bark on command ? The dog would then back or show aggression on the spot which would clear nearby crowds or force a targeted player to surrender or fight ? Loving this script though its my Favorite for GTA at the moment NICE WORK !
@Hunk This mod is fantastic , would it be possible to make this more Police K9 related to tie in with LSPDFR , for example, make it so the attack radius covers a greater distance, allow for the attacked peds to keep running and when the dog takes a bite, the peds stay alive,
these simple additions would make this mod 5 stars and a must have for every lspdfr player, this game is majorly lacking a decent k9 script