
1987 Nissan Skyline GTS-R (R31) [Add-On | LODs | Liveries | Sound | Tuning] 1.0


Models: Forza horizon 4, Wanted188, IGNO
Taken from
Converting: Wanted188
Liveries: HummingBird, Cipher, ReNNie
Handling: Eddlm
Sound and handling edits: Aquaphobic
RHD layout: Vans123
Screenshots by: HummingBird, ReNNie

Japanese license plate: IGNO
you can download it here:

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I've been working on an R32 GT-R for a while now and I needed the RB20 engine (for the R32 gt-s). the R31 GTS-R had just what I needed
but instead of just taking the engine from it and calling it a day, I've decided to convert the entire thing and even ended up modeling some parts for it
as i think this car has potential on its own.

- Beautiful and detailed stock base car (no pre-tuning)
- custom sound
- working dials
- paintable interior
- Shaking engine
- Functioning dirtmap (uses the generic dirt texture in vehshare)
- Template
- LODs (LOD0-4)
- Breakable glass, hands on steering wheel and other basic game features
- Realistic handling (arcade handling is included in a separate folder)
- AO (vertex painted)
- Some tuning (including a URAS kit which was scratch modeled by me)
- Liveries
and more

Recommendations and noteworthy info:
for a nice drift build, max out all the tuning parts and install the URAS kit
sadly the fender flares don't fit the URAS kit
I might make a separate set of fender flares for it but I think this kit looks better without fender flares
I would recommend using Vstancer by IKT to move the wheels outward (for the fender flares)

RHD animation-related bugs (head may pop through the window when reversing etc...)
the game doesn't support RHD animations by default and this layout is the best one can do with the game's limitations for now.

Installation instructions are in the readme.
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Carregat per primera vegada: 10 de Abril de 2021
Actualització més recent: 10 de Abril de 2021
Últim descarregat: Fa 18 hores

All Versions

 1.0 (current)

7.340 descàrregues , 50 MB
10 de Abril de 2021

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