
Phone Color Expansion 1.1


Adds full white and black phones to GTA V + Expands the color palette with more colors and rich vivid vanilla colors.
*Currently only for Michael and Franklin, I have something special in the works for Trevor coming soon!


- True White and Black Phones for Michael and Franklin
- More colors for your phone (Yellow, Turquoise, Brown, Neon Green, Lime Green, Mocha, etc)
- Color enhancements for the vanilla palette
- Multiple palettes to choose from that allow you to mix and match your themes in the phone and phone physical color
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Carregat per primera vegada: 29 de Maig de 2015
Actualització més recent: 29 de Maig de 2015
Últim descarregat: Fa 8 hores

All Versions

 1.1 (current)

927 descàrregues , 600 KB
29 de Maig de 2015

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