
StopAnimation on Demand 1.0 (Fixed)


Default Key Is X and D-Pad-Down For controller,

you can enable and disable controllersupport in the ini file

This is a simple script that makes you able to Stop a animation or task on demand with one button which can be cumstomized in the ini file.
This Can Realy help People who roleplay with different animations or tasks and can make them able to stop them easy. But i think different players need this i know its now A big script.

Put everything in your scripts folder where your nativeui.dll is located at.

Changelog -
1.0 - Release
1.0 (Fixed) - Added Controller support, (D-Pad Down) and fixed a bug when switching characters. To all my scripters having the same problem simply just write Player = Game.Player.Character; both in start and when ticking!! you can enable and disable controllersupport in the ini file

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Carregat per primera vegada: 18 de Gener de 2022
Actualització més recent: 27 de Juny de 2023
Últim descarregat: fa 6 dies

All Versions

 1.0 (Fixed) (current)

555 descàrregues , 2 KB
22 de Juny de 2023

 1.0 Stable

1.025 descàrregues , 2 KB
18 de Gener de 2022

29 Comentaris