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I will love to see map icons for the bank location in the next update. Great mod nevertheless. I expeceted this to be in official game UNscripted small heist like bank/jewel store robberies. But alas we dont get them. Thank to great modders we now have. Thank you.
Looks very nice so far. I would like to see:
- Slower zombies
- fearless zombies (it's not realistic to point gun to zombie and run like beach bum)
- different sounds than normal human high pitch panic screams
- i see that time stop exactly at 12:00 now. I will love to see normal time running in future version
- no zombie money spawn
- more zombie variaties (I know is not easy to do because is lot of texture eding and meshes but will be very nice)
- harder to kill zombies at night
- animal zombies
- very smal story line (recuruiting random survives, give them weapons, make them follow you for short amount of time)
- end of story (get rid of zombie plauge by destrying huge radioctive plant or other source of infestaion) just small idea
Great so far. Cant wait for future versions.
@Vreem5 CONFIRMED!!! Finally worked. Thank you very very much Vreem5 . I was not able to find that info on any forum. I highly recommend to include this additions in the mod description and readme.txt file inside the archive. I'ts not much to do but save lots of troubles.
Great mod. I can't stand incredibly dumped down idea for carying 5000 7.62 ammo in my pocketless shirt. I waited for this mod from day 1. Thank you very much. Liked.
Not work for me too. I've been trying 10.1 and 10.0 version of LUA. Both of them not work with ANY of the mods that I tried. Mods seems to be ok with older versions of LUA according to users from this forum and you tube comments on some videos by the author of the mods for example Drop Weapon Mod . Nothing work for me. Directory structure is checked. Addins folder is correct. LUA plugins are in place. main LUA.asi script is in GTA 5 folder. Everything is exactly "by the book" - not working. Tried it at least 5-8 times. Re-Download and reinstall again LUA script and Script Hook. Nothing changed and not a single LUA script ever worked for me. :( Help is need it. ASI scripts work fine for me.
Not work for me. no LUA script work for me . :( I try version 10.1 version 10.0 non of this work and all of the LUA script isn't working . I am very sad becasue I found great mods that are only available for LUA. ASI scripts works ok for me.
Same to me. I put in the right folder. Everything is extracted and installed correctly (script hook, LUA script 10.0) and still not working. Nothing happens after press L . help is much needed. Thanks in advance.