Earth, Our Solar System, The Milky Way Galaxy
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  • D3d0ba ubisoft profile pic

    I'm not a modder myself but I can see a great future for this mod, I hope this mod will become something big in the future! With this mod you can make the future of GTA5 modding a whole lot better. Keep it up man!

    07 de Febrer de 2020
  • D3d0ba ubisoft profile pic

    I got some ideas for this mod that could be fun.
    Rename 'Low Render Distance' to 'Potato Graphics'
    And make these:
    'Aliens' Which is the same as 'Zombies' but instead of spawning zombies it spawns aliens.
    'Mr. President' Which will spawn many OP bodyguards that will attack everyone except mission characters and the player of course.
    'Don't Move!' Which will explode you if you take a step.
    'What are we?' Which will turn everyone into a random animal.
    'Anarchy' Which gives everyone a weapon and everyone starts killing each other(except the player).
    'Pimp' Which changes the players clothes to more pimpy clothes and spawns some strippers that follows the player.

    Anyways great mod!
    I give it 4/5 (would be 5/5 but decided to use a random number generator :P)

    05 de Febrer de 2020