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  • Bugstars2

    @WildcardOfAce Just like @PermissionToLand said, there is no seperate handling. Its is an entirely different car that you spawn, which **always** has the correct handling.

    20 de Desembre de 2023
  • Bugstars2

    Why does even exist? It is not just unnessesary but also bloated. These cars can be spawned by their names (driftremus, driftzr350, drifttampa, drifteuros, driftfr36, driftjester, driftyosemite, driftfuto) by ANY trainer that allows spawning by name. Might need a mp-cars-to-sp mod but that mod then makes all cars spawnable and not just these few.

    19 de Desembre de 2023
  • Bugstars2

    A version without any dependencies would be nice. I just want to have my car saved at a position without me noticing and without me even being able to teleport it. A single, GUI-free script.

    18 de Desembre de 2023
  • Bugstars2

    The random plate causes other mods like vstancer to not work (cause its plate specific). Also, a lot of times the car spawns even though it still exists in the world. A check needs to be in place if that car already exists.

    13 de Desembre de 2023
  • Bugstars2

    all that alexmods naming and folders suck ass

    06 de Gener de 2019
  • Bugstars2

    will you update this car to include the "Rocket Bunny V3" livery ?

    07 de Març de 2018
  • Bugstars2

    System.FormatException: Die Eingabezeichenfolge hat das falsche Format.
    bei System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
    bei System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
    bei CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Type , Object , CultureInfo )
    bei System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute3[T0,T1,T2,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
    bei MapEditor.MapEditor.<.ctor>b__44_9(UIMenuListItem item, Int32 index)
    bei NativeUI.MenuPool.ProcessControl()
    bei NativeUI.MenuPool.ProcessMenus()
    bei MapEditor.MapEditor.OnTick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    bei GTA.Script.raise_Tick(Object value0, EventArgs value1)
    bei GTA.Script.MainLoop()

    21 de Gener de 2018
  • Bugstars2

    is it an addon car or do i have to replace another?

    23 de Juliol de 2016
  • Bugstars2

    @LooseArnold how did u managed to get controlIMK to work in gta5? it seems that gta5 is just ignoring it.

    15 de Abril de 2016
  • Bugstars2

    i am using a G25 and it works with the x360CE emulator. how the heck am i supposed to map the (H)shifter with my numpad? :D

    11 de Març de 2016