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Hi does this trainer have a function that lets you save cars anywhere you want?
What garage/house is that in the screenshots? :)
Whats up with the car ramps? The textures are all over the place on them!
Looks pretty cool but the TV is missing in lounge and tool bench in garage is missing also :S
Nice mod but Franklin's head clips through the roof! Would be nice to see a fix for this :)
This is the first house mod I've downloaded for this game and all I can say is that the photos don't do it justice! It is absolutely amazing and feels like an official DLC! It's easy to install, not too heavy on performance and the layout is fantastic and most importantly- it has plenty of space for loads of the awesome car mods on this site :P Its just a shame that you can't use the TVs or interact with stuff in the house but I guess there are all sorts of limitations when adding things to this game!
Nice! Keep these tanks coming!
Hey Skyline its great that you are now converting the nice tank models from War Thunder into this game! Was just wondering if you could convert all of the Tier 5 tanks for each nation one at a time of course into this game? Would be awesome to drive these machines in this game and it would save a lot of people the ridiculous War Thunder grinding! Danke :)
Best C63 coupe on this site :)
Best Q7 on this site :)