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    @Sangoer you're welcome 😊

    @iammistahwolf I've created MP maps version but since it's working perfectly fine for me I need you to test it for me. Can you please contact me on my discord or somewhere else I can send you new version to test if it will work?
    My discord is: .scrlt.

    04 de Octubre de 2024
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    @iammistahwolf Thank you for that words! After these comments I don't feel that confident to tell that I'm way ahead of you in modding but that's kind you said that. Can I ask you how is it working now? Is it finally loading or still have you got troubles?

    @Sangoer Hi! I've checked this apartment and already started working on it. I've posted work in progress picture showing how it's actually looking in game and I think it'll be released soon here when i find all missing props and do final touches. If you want you can join my discord to track progress of this conversion and my others works.

    28 de Setembre de 2024
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    @MARK2580 I've changed collisions near bed and desk. Now it's easier to walk around. I've added simple staircase too so now it's available to get inside interior by foot. New version is already uploaded here and you can give it a try.

    @ReNNie I have to admit you were right with door collisions. After many many test I've discovered sometimes door acts like there were no collisions so I've checked it and found that collisions weren't exported properly. I've fixed it now and they're should work fine. Also thank you for troubleshooting here and helping others working with collisions.

    @JohnFromGWN @iammistahwolf @ReNNie I haven't knew that collisions are such a big deal. I thought that how GTA handles dlcs it'll just override other collisions if they were used by something other. Sadly I don't have clue how to address that problem with collisions for now. Also I wasn't thinking that there will be so much interiors in that area that they could cause any troubles, sorry for that! I've picked that place because it has nice view and fits with that cozy interior for me.

    Anyway I've uploaded update with some smaller and bigger changes and improvements so maybe they'll fix something and if not could you please contact me via discord to address any troubles with this mod?

    15 de Setembre de 2024
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    @jedihacker2002 All animations are made by me but since there are many people doing animations I guess many of them can be similar to each others. Mostly i take inspirations for suggestions posted by people on my discord and real images but not others work. It's sad to hear you blame me for copying.

    15 de Setembre de 2024
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    @WolfFire23309 thank you for positive words ❤

    @MARK2580 I'll take a look at these collisions and try to fix them, also I'm working on simple staircase that will make aviable to get inside this interior. Soon I'll release update with fixes and improvements here so you can give it a try. Sorry for any kind of inconvenience

    08 de Setembre de 2024
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    @azzman_01 thank you for your opinion! I'll take a look and think about converting some other interiors in my spare time but honestly I don't have idea which one I should make so it'll be useful

    @Losthegamer01 I've put screenshot of location into description but catch it also here:
    To get inside interior just fly through highlighted window and you'll get directly inside.

    @iammistahwolf Sorry to hear that your game is crashing. I don't have any clue what can cause it to you since you're saying that any interior isn't working for you, maybe there is something wrong with your game copy. Are you using any other mods? I've made mine MLO to work without need of using "online maps" so it should work properly without making any modifications into your game

    @ReNNie Thank you for your words! I've felt in love with that interior since I saw it in gta IV so I've decided to convert it here. It's cute and girly one. About door collisions I've checked it on SP and FIVEM and on both everything works fine for me so it's hard to say what's wrong with them. Maybe you're using mod loading online maps and that can cause problem with collisions? I don't know about compatibility with other mods so I'm not sure if anything else could cause this collisions to not work.
    Also thank you for your active responses and help for others here <3

    08 de Setembre de 2024
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    @WolfFire23309 thak U sooo much!

    13 de Juliol de 2024
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    @Bartix69 ja Polska

    14 de Març de 2024
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    @WolfFire23309 mission accepted 🥰

    14 de Març de 2024
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